Thursday, February 11, 2010

Two Days, Six Movies

It's snowmagedden in DC, so I haven't been oot and aboot much. Thankfully Rob, in all his splendor, has been a wonderfully entertaining friend. We spent the last two days holed up in his apartment eating WAY too much ice cream and filling his living room with belly laughs. Check out the weekend in film recapped below!

1) The Devil Wears Prada
Oh Andi Sachs, what I wouldn't give to look EXACTLY LIKE YOU (post-makeover). So gorgeous, so chic. Where do I sign up?

2) Don't Drink the Water
It's official--I really enjoy Woody Allen movies. You win, Rob.

3) The Green Mile
John Coffey vomits magic. VOMITS MAGIC.

4) Talk to Her
One of Pedro Almodovar's finest. Equal parts interesting and creepy.

5) Minority Report
Precrime, what a concept! Plus, I hope we have cool technology like that in 2054. Minus the retina scans, bien sur. They're a little too Big Brother for my taste.

6) Schindler's List
A terrifying look at the horrors of life in Nazi-occupied Poland. So gruesome, yet not gratuitous. What a masterpiece.

And thus I sign off to get some sleep before returning to work after the snow-caused sabbatical. One day until the three day weekend!

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