Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Happy Inducing Things

I look at the picture above and wonder if it's really that simple. Do the gods simply roll a die to decide who's going to have a good day? If so, lady luck was on my side this morning because today has been and continues to be a phenomenal day. See the proof below in chronological order.

1) I used iTunes to make a genius playlist based on "Secret Heart" by Feist and it is SO! GOOD!
2) Work was exciting and productive.
3) My friend Sean has had a crush on a boy for months and he stopped by my office today to tell me the adorably sweet story of how Mark kissed him. YAY!
4) I met the daughter of the guy who founded the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
4) I had lunch with my friend Annie. On the menu was pizza topped with goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes and spinach. A) Who thought of those ingredients and B) Can I have his/her autograph?
5) I got to call a small group of students to tell them that they were accepted into a highly competitive university program. Their excitement = better than heroin.
6) I'm about to make chocolate chip cookies.
7) Women's figure skating is on tonight and Rob is coming over.

Seriously, I was so overjoyed when I got home from work I didn't even know what to do with myself. First instinct was to call my Mom, but unfortunately, she's on a plane and unable to answer.* Thus, I did the only other thing I know how to do when I'm "totally, completely and incandescently happy"** which is, of course, to put on red lipstick. How are things so good right now? Keep it coming, universe!

*Sara, I'm jealous you get Mommy and Daddy for the weekend!
**Courtesy of Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, duh!


  1. ugh. that day sounds GLORIOUS!! wish i were there.
    love you love you love youuuu.

  2. oooops -- that was from meee (sara.) since mommy was logged into her gmail it showed up as her.

    but she says she agrees. heheee.
