Monday, October 5, 2009

I Can't Stop Watching: Butoh

My older sister, Allison, is a lovely, 100% adorable human being.  She is SO FUN, and I relish the traditions we've developed over the years, such as going to DSW and making fun of the truly heinous shoes.  One of us usually starts off with something like "hey--weren't you looking for these?" and erupts into a fit of giggles.   It's all downhill from this point, as we continue to repeat variations on that opener at least once an aisle. Sales clerks roll their eyes, my twin, Sara, avoids eye contact, and Allison and I WEEP with laughter.  It should be noted that this isn't a casual glisten on the cheek, we're talking tears.streaming.down.face.  It's awesome.

Another crucial aspect of my relationship with Allison's is her ability to expose me to new forms of art.  She's creative and works in the arts (director/playwright, thank you very much!), so she can always share something that I have no idea exists.  Good examples of this include the musical "Children of Eden",  old Michael Bolton videos and most recently, the glory known as butoh.  For those of you not familiar with butoh, the oversimplified definition is that it's a form of Japanese movement/dance.  More specifically, "[i]t typically involves playful and grotesque imagery, taboo topics, extreme or absurd environments, and is traditionally "performed" in white-body makeup with slow hyper-controlled motion, with or without an audience."  Props to Wikipedia for a good description, but you really won't get it until you watch it yourself.  I should probably learn more about the historical context for how butoh came to be, but instead, I just keep watching the clip below.  It's very bizarre to my ignorant, Western eyes, but I love it.  LOVE IT.

Watch it for yourself--it won't disappoint. 

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