Monday, October 12, 2009

I've Fallen for Fall

When I started using the internet in 7th grade, I logged on for one primary purpose: online quizzes.  I blocked HOURS of time for self-reflection and used insightful personality inventories such as "Who's Your Celebrity Match?" and "What's Your Theme Song?" to dive deep into the mysterious abyss of my 13 year-old soul.  I still battle my inner test-taking fiend, though I rarely indulge her.  However, I recently stumbled across a quiz entitled "What's Your Season?" and it was impossible for me to resist.  The questions were trite, but something was designed properly because I completely agree with the results.  I am undoubtedly a "Fall."  There are innumerable reasons why Fall is my favorite season, aka the unequivocal best season.  Yet in the interest of finishing this post so that I can find out what type of cheese I am (not kidding...), I'm listing five of the best things about Fall. 

1) Positive mental effects of the Winter Solstice.  Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, right?  WRONG.  I'm mortified that even as a healthy 22 year-old, I can't stay awake for any movie started after 9pm.  Seriously, I am permanently in search of excuses/lies to justify this behavior.  "I'm fighting something off" has officially been retired because autumn has opened the door for "my circadian rhythm is easily affected by light and dark."  I mean, it's natural to go to bed when it's dark outside...that's what we're programed to do.  I'm not a loser!  ::erupts into a fit of tears::
2) Countdown to Thanksgiving.  Family reunion?  Check yes!  As an added bonus, my twin's boyfriend, James, is coming home for some turkey.  His company will undoubtedly be oodles of fun because he is the BEES KNEES.  However, I hope he is prepared for a little hazing, because I fully intend to remind him that I'm still my twin's #1. 
3) Pumpkin EVERYTHING!  Pumpkin scone, pumpkin bread, pumpkin latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin butter, pumpkin pudding, pumpkin soup, pumpkin seeds, stomach looking like a pumpkin after eating too many pumpkin treats...
4) Halloween Costumes.  Historically, I have spent many hours doing the necessary due-diligence to think of a quirky costume that allows me to a) look presentable and b) carry a prop. Over the last three years I have dressed up as a doctor (lab coat and real stethoscope included), an artist (paint palate and faux mustache included), and a bee keeper (HUGE hat covered in net and honey pot included).   This year, I'm coordinating costumes with my best friend/entire social life, Rob, which means the decision making process has been slowed considerably.  If all goes according to plan, I'll convince him that we should go as Marie and Pierre Curie (Nobel Prizes and radioactive material included).
5) Layering.  Welcome back, sweaters and tights.  Mommy missed you.

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