Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies Test Lab

Rob (my BFF and then some) is hosting an Oscar party tonight and I've agreed to make a number of sweet treats. Most notably, I'm baking chocolate chip cookies, which were quite the hit at his Golden Globes party. So much so, that people who RSVP'd to the Oscar party specifically requested that the "crack cookies" be present.

As a bit of context, Sara (my twin) and I used to be FAMOUS for our chocolate chip cookies in high school. For many years I refused to make them without her, but when I found out she regularly baked them while we were apart (traitor!), I decided to cave and have been happily fattening up my friends ever since.

The thing is that recently, the cookies have been really finicky! Two times, the cookies have turned out really fluffy (in a bad way) and too salty. Consequently, I bought new salt and halved the baking soda for the next batch. However, the cookies that should have been perfect were overly flat. Why God, WHY?!

As you can imagine, I was very concerned that my Oscar cookies would be sub-par. I decided to buy extra chocolate chips, just to make sure I had extra resources in case the first batch was disappointing.

Flash forward to this morning: the first cookies had excellent flavor, but were flat again. FIE!

For the second batch of cookies, I used heaping cups of flour and the cookies turned out...drumroll please...



Crisis averted.

On a related note, I believe I've set a new world record for the amount of cookie dough consumed in a 3 hour period. Call me, Guinness.

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